Family Health Center recently partnered with YMCA VanGo to place ads from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s “Talk. They Hear You.” ® campaign on a VanGo bus. As part of a grant received from the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Family Health Center will be running SAMSHA’s “Talk. They Hear You.” ® campaign in Daviess, Knox, Pike, and Martin Counties. This campaign encourages parents and caregivers to have conversations about the risks of substance use and underage drinking with their kids.
Picture 1-Pictured from left to right is Rebecca Pinnick (YMCA VanGo), Krystle Russell (Family Health Center), Ashley Charleston (Family Health Center), Sasha McKinney (Family Health Center), and Ed Yochum (YMCA VanGo).
Picture 2-Pictured from left to right is Rebecca Pinnick (YMCA VanGo), Ashley Charleston (Family Health Center), Sasha McKinney (Family Health Center), Krystle Russell (Family Health Center), and Ed Yochum (YMCA VanGo).